Oliphant Heat Mitigation Plan
Created 5/14/24
Yellow-Misting system and fans are on under the covered lunch area for students to read, color, relax. Students will have the option to play out on the playground. Students will be encouraged to drink water. Several water bottle filling stations are available for students.
Orange/Red--All kindergarten students will remain in their classrooms and SSM will relieve classroom teachers and supervise the class during this time. All 1st-5th grade students will be released by their classroom teacher and report to the MPR in the air conditioning for the duration of the recess.
Yellow--Misting system and fans are on under the covered lunch area for students. Students will eat the first 20 minutes. The last 20 minutes students will be released with the option to play. Students will be encouraged to drink water. Several water bottle filling stations are available for students.
Orange/Red--Students will eat in the MPR for 20 minutes, then they will be escorted back to their classrooms and supervised by SSM for the remaining 20 minutes. Students will read, color, draw, play board games, etc..
Yellow--Students are encouraged to drink water and bring a water bottle from home. PE instruction may take place outdoors with students engaging in low impact games. With approval from Administration, PE instruction may also take place in the classroom or MPR depending on availability. As heat indexes rise, activities on the field will be avoided.
Orange/Red--PE instruction will be conducted in classroom or MPR. Strenuous activity will be avoided. While inside PE instruction may include health/nutrition activities, stretching and movement activities.
Yellow/Orange/Red--All kindergarten students are dismissed from the MPR. All first through fifth grade parent pickup students will meet at the south gate. 5/6 Porta Coolers will be set up to provide relief. Students are encouraged to drink water and have a water bottle. Students may bring umbrellas.